
Pool Renovations – Aug-Sept 2019

Please note that starting Monday, August 19, 2019 until Sunday night, September 29, 2019the Small and Middle Waterfall Pools will be closed for upgrades and renovations.  The main pool will not be effected.

There will be black screening around these pool areas for privacy and protection while the renovations are taking place.  Work will commence at 10:00AM and may end at 7:00PM or at dark at the latest.  There will be jack hammering in these pools which is expected to last approximately a week and a half.  Work that involves noise will be from 10:00AM until 5:00PM.

Should you have any questions, please let us know.


Last-Minute Availability at The SANDS

If the dates you requested show as Sold Out on our Book Now page, please call us directly at 1-877-777-2637 to inquire about last-minute availability due to cancellations.