Announcements Turks Caicos Information

Sharing Hartling Heartfelt Hospitatlity

The Sands at Grace Bay - Hartling Heartfelt Hospitality

The Sands team members are committed to delivering a memorable welcome with their usual great smiles — but at least for a while, we will stop shaking hands, hugs, and kisses with this in mind the gesture of hands to our hearts is our way of welcoming you with Heartfelt Hartling Hospitality as we work together to keep Turks and Caicos Coronavirus free.




Introducing Sheena Smith, Sands April Superstar

Sheena Smith The Sands TC

We were excited when so many Sands employees were nominated to receive Star Awards in February. In order to provide our friends and guests with an inside look at what the “locals” like to do on our island in the Caribbean, we decided to profile our staff and learn what they love about life on Provo.

This month we introduce Star Awards nominee Sheena Smith, Assistant Human Resources Manager at The Sands on Grace Bay.

The Sands at Grace Bay is blessed with fantastic staff who make sure our friends and guest have a wonderful time during their stay here.

Sheena Smith, as an assistant HR manager, helps set the stage for our team’s success.

Originally from across the Turks Island Passage on the island of Grand Turk, Sheena spent several years studying in Miami before coming to live on Provo in 2007. Sheena has a beautiful smile, and hopes you’ll come over and hello if you see her when you visit our resort.

How do you like to spend your free time in Provo?

You can usually find me at the movie cinema on Leeward Highway, about ten minutes from the Sands resort. I love to laugh, and I love watching comedy movies with my friends.

What is one “must-do” or “must-see” attraction on Provo?

Chesire Hall Plantation, in Provo’s Blue Hills neighborhood, is really worth visiting. The building ruins have been carefully preserved by the National Trust and offer spectacular views of the island (Blue Hills, at 49 meters, is the highest point on Provo).

It’s an interesting feeling looking at the ruins on one side, with a view of downtown Provo on the other side.

If you like natural history, there is a lot of information about local birds and wildlife on signposts located around the attraction.

What kind of local Turks and Caicos food or drinks would you recommend that Provo visitors try?

Besides conch salad, everyone who visits TCI must try crab ‘n rice at least once.

Crab ‘n rice is yummy, especially served with a side of fried plantain. Plantain of course is related to the banana, but is starchier. Plantains are actually a staple food in many parts of the tropics.

Smokey’s, a popular restaurant near the Sands, serves crab ‘n rice with fried plantain, and the combination is delicious.

Are there any “local” restaurants that you like?

As mentioned, Smokey’s (located within walking distance from The Sands) serves good, authentic Caribbean food. Their steamed, boneless fish is marvelous, as is their peas and rice dish, and, of course, fried plantain.

If you are interested in “southern cooking” similar to that of the US, you need to check out Smokey’s – southern “soul food” wasn’t born in the American South, but has deeper roots stretching back to the Caribbean.

You might notice some aspects of Creole, Cajun, and Soul Food cuisine here. Places like the Turks and Caicos is where all these forms of American southern cuisine originate from.

Last-Minute Availability at The SANDS

If the dates you requested show as Sold Out on our Book Now page, please call us directly at 1-877-777-2637 to inquire about last-minute availability due to cancellations.