July 4th: Race for the Conch On Grace Bay Beach

On Saturday, July 4th the 5th annual open water Race for the Conch happens right here off of Grace Bay Beach, and has been named, “one of the world’s most gorgeous Swim Races.” Olympic gold medalist and US Masters Swim champion Rowdy Gaines as well as world-class marathon swimmer, Yuko Matsuzaki, will be participating in this year’s race!



Open to all competitive and recreational swimmers, the race options include 2.4 Mile (Ironman swim), 1 Mile, and half-mile distances. For those wanting an extra challenge, the 2.4 mile and 1 mile swim events may be done back-to-back. There is also a 100 meters children’s “Race for the Conch” for swimmers eleven years and younger and all children may participate in this race for free. Parents can sign up their children on the day of the race between 8:00 AM and 8:15 AM. There’s also a half-mile stand-up paddleboard race happening at 11:30am, following the swim events.



Here are other swim-related events leading up to the July 4th races:

On the morning of July 2, Olympic Gold Medalist Rowdy Gaines will conduct a pool swim clinic for a limited number of swimmers. Cost: $120.

On July 2 at 7 pm, the Turks & Caicos Islands Swim Federation will hold a fundraiser at the Beach House, and Rowdy will be the main speaker. Cost: $60 pre-purchased / $70 at door.

On July 3 at 5 pm, world-class marathon swimmer, Yuko Matsuzaki, will provide an open water swim technique practice session at the race start/finish area in front of Rickie’s Flamingo Cafe. It will be open to all swimmers who have registered for one of the races at no charge.


  • 2.4 mile race starts at 8:00 am; Mandatory safety briefing at 7:30 am
  • ?1/2 mile races starts at 9:45 am; ?Mandatory safety briefing at 9:30 am
  • ?1 mile race starts 10:15 am; ?Mandatory safety briefing at 9:30 am
  • The 100 meters Children’s “Race for the Conch”?for swimmers 11 & younger starts at 9:15am. Beach Signup.
  • 1/2 mile Stand-up paddle board (SUP) race starts at 11:30 am. Beach sign-up

For more information and sign-up for these activities, please contact Ben Stubenberg, Co-Race Director, at [email protected].

For more information on the race, visit: http://www.ecoseaswim.com.

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