Ferry Service From Providenciales to North and South Caicos Islands

For guests of The Sands at Grace Bay and visitors of Providenciales looking to explore the nearby Turks & Caicos Islands for a fun day trip, Caribbean Cruisin’ conveniently offers daily ferry service from Providenciales to North Caicos and South Caicos Islands.

The 25-minute ferry ride from Providenciales to North Caicos is offered several times throughout the day, every Monday through Sunday. Click here for the North Caicos ferry schedule: http://www.tciferry.com/tciferry-turks-and-caicos-ferry-to-north-caicos

There’s also a twice-weekly ferry service from Providenciales to South Caicos, which is a 75-minute ride that departs on Friday and Sunday. Click here for the South Caicos ferry schedule: http://www.tciferry.com/south-caicos-ferry

For more information on this ferry service: Caribbean Cruisin’ (Walkin Marina, Leeward, Providenciales. 649/946–5406 or 649/231–4191. http://www.tciferry.com

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