Turks Caicos Information

Turks and Caicos News | January 2018

Each month the Sands on Grace Bay resort presents hot topics and news about the Turks and Caicos. This month: where can you spend the day on the beach with a Potcake puppy?

Where is the Greatest Beach on Earth (According to the Experts)?

Grace Bay Beach in the Turks and Caicos Islands, as anyone who has ever been to Providenciales will tell you. To make it official, Grace Bay Beach was recently named the best in the world in a poll of 632 travel journalists and other experts questioned by the Canadian website FlightNetwork.

This comes after the Turks and Caicos beach was voted best beach in world by TripAdvisor reviewers.


Where Can You Visit Beach Filled With Puppies?

A hint: it’s right here on Providenciales, in Turks and Caicos. Potcake Place is a sanctuary on Providenciales for Potcake dogs, a mixed breed that’s native to some Caribbean islands. The tropical rescue allows you to check out a pup and bring it with you to Grace Bay Beach for some fun in the sun.


south caicos
South Caicos, by Murray Blacomb.

How to Plan Your Post-Hurricane Caribbean Vacation

In September 2017, some parts of the Caribbean were affected by hurricanes Irma and Maria. While Providenciales here in Turks and Caicos did experience some stormy weather, repairs were were made and things got back to business pretty quickly. With that in mind, here are some places to visit post-hurricane. Turks and Caicos, of course, is at the top of the list!


How Do Families Around the World Spend Their Vacations?

Moises Saman a Magnum photographer based in Tokyo, has created a photo documentary that captures how families spend their vacations around the world. How does your family spend your vacations together?



10 Ways to Start Off the New Year Right

It can be depressing to contemplate, but 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. On January 1st we all want to start off the New Year with a clean slate, and typically resolve to eat less, exercise more and lose weight, but a month later you’re back, stuck in a rut.

However, there are ways to successfully change your behavior and reach goals. Here are some tips for starting of the New Year right.